
2018年6月5日—TheprocessofreturninganIPaddressgivenadomainnameiscalledDNSresolution.SinceTorstillusesIPaddresses,youstillneedtodoDNS ...,2022年8月1日—ResolvingDNSqueriesthroughtheTornetworkguaranteesasignificantlyhigherlevelofanonymitythanmakingtherequestsdirectly.Notonly ...,2023年9月5日—TorshouldbeableworkwithoutDNS.RelayscommunicatewitheachothersbasedontheirIPaddresses,notdomainnames.Connect...

Introducing DNS Resolver for Tor

2018年6月5日 — The process of returning an IP address given a domain name is called DNS resolution. Since Tor still uses IP addresses, you still need to do DNS ...

DNS over Tor

2022年8月1日 — Resolving DNS queries through the Tor network guarantees a significantly higher level of anonymity than making the requests directly. Not only ...

Curious about DNS and Tor

2023年9月5日 — Tor should be able work without DNS. Relays communicate with each others based on their IP addresses, not domain names. Connections to onion ...

Simple DNS server that uses a Tor SOCKS5 proxy to ...

Currently the DNS server can only handle very simple queries (like resolving a name or reverse lookup of an IP address), but it can't return other records ...

Who controls Tor's DNS traffic?. An Analysis of the ...

2018年5月10日 — In the first step we want to determine how much of the tor network by exit capacity is using at least one of the prominent public DNS resolvers ...

Are DNS requests resolved using Tor when connecting ...

2018年4月1日 — TOR Remote DNS Lookup: TOR provides a remote hostname lookup through UDP. For that you have to specify DNSPort settings in torrc and set ...

tor browser bundle

2021年4月22日 — no, exit nodes caches dns record and your dns lookup will be performed on exit relays. (i mean your tor browser not your system dns lookup ...

How does Tor route DNS requests?

2013年9月25日 — Right. The short version of the answer is Tor transports the hostname (inside the Tor protocol) to the exit relay, which resolves it for you..

How Do Tor Onion Addresses Actually Work?

2022年1月27日 — Since the Tor network doesn't have a DNS, as we previously mentioned, there is no lookup for the IP addresses corresponding to domain names.

Which DNS server does TOR use?

2018年7月21日 — I know that DNS lookup takes place at exit relay(public network). But the DNS server which I am using is located in a private network which ...